Web platform

Platform online

The platform development for viewing data and analysis results from the BORIS project has been completed. The platform can be accessed here:


Username and password are required for access, please contact the consortium (centrorischi@ci3r.it) for more information.

Platform goals

  • The platform is accessible online from any browser, and its accessibility does not require specific computer skills
  • It allows testing the procedures developed within the BORIS project and showing, as well as comparing, seismic and flood risk assessment in the transboundary areas
  • The platform facilitates the visualization and storage of data, models, and the representation of damage and impact data following a common metrics approach
  • It visualises the results of the analyses conducted, in addition to the input data used

Below are some screenshots taken from the platform:

Homepage and functionalities

Base Layers





Risk-Impact indicators

View the video to get a more in-depth look into the BORIS platform: