The following partners contribute to the BORIS project:
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The majority of the population in Turkey live in areas that are prone to earthquakes, which are responsible for a third of all losses associated with disasters over the past century, followed by landslides, floods, rock falls, avalanches and forest fires. The Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), established in 2009, takes necessary measures for effective emergency management and civil protection issues nationwide. As part of its responsibility, it also carries out studies on cross-border and transboundary risks; all these studies in coordination with other institutions and organizations working on disasters. As Turkey is one of the participating countries in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, AFAD is responsible for the preparation and submission of the National Risk Assessment report at regular intervals.

CI3R is a consortium formed by research institutes and centers aiming to create a network of multidisciplinary competencies to support the Italian Department of Civil Protection towards disaster risk reduction with a multi-risk approach. Within BORIS, three partner members of CI3R are involved as linked third parties: RELUIS, an interuniversity consortium that coordinates and promotes scientific activities in the field of seismic and structural engineering; EUCENTRE, a private non-profit foundation engaged in research activities in the field of earthquake engineering and risk management; CIMA, a non-profit research organization committed to promoting the scientific research in engineering and environmental sciences for the protection of public health, civil protection, and ecosystems.

The Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) is a cooperation platform of universities and research institutions in the field of security and disaster research, founded in 2017 by the Technical University of Graz and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. The aim of the DCNA is to transfer scientific insights into practice through collaborative research and education activities with stakeholders, as well as providing information to decision-makers in the event of a disaster. In the BORIS project, the DCNA is mainly involved in the test run as well as the dissemination tasks.

The University of Ljubljana (UL), established in 1919, is a comprehensive university consisting of 23 faculties and 3 art academies. It has more than 36,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students. UL ranks among the top 3% of universities in the world according to the Times ranking. The UL researchers involved in the BORIS project are members of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering and experts in seismic and flood risk assessment, management, and communication. UL is actively involved in all work packages and is the leader of work package 2 and coordinator of tasks 4.1, 4.2 and 5.1.

UoM is the only state university in Montenegro, founded in 1974. FCE is an organizational unit of the UoM, established in 1980 with key activities: education and research in the domain of civil engineering; strong connections with Montenegrin civil engineering industry, and deep involvement in research and practice through participation in numerous civil engineering projects with its human (48 employees), laboratory and equipment resources (Laboratory for Testing of Materials and Structures, for Geotechnical and Hydrotechnic Testing).