Deliverable 2.2 Data Availability and Needs
We’re excited to provide Deliverable 2.2 – the report on data availability and needs for large scale and cross-border risk assessment, obstacles and solutions – for download.
Deliverable 2.2 provides detailed information on data availability and needs for large scale and cross-border risk assessment, together with specific obstacles and possible solutions. Each project beneficiary provided information on the use and availability of various data used for the seismic and flood risk assessment in partner countries: Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Turkey, and Montenegro. Further, a detailed description of the specific national seismic and flood risk assessment methodologies, including the presentation of the methodological approaches for defining the seismic/flood hazard and vulnerability/exposure elements, is provided.
Get the report for free as a download:
Out now! The first BORIS newsletter
We’re happy to announce that we’ve just finalized our first BORIS newsletter which includes all project updates in a compact form.
Feel free to share the newsletter with your network and reach out if you have any questions.
We’d like to wish you a very happy holiday season and a good start to 2022!
Deliverable D2.1 Comparison of National Risk Assessment
Comparison of national risk assessment (D2.1) is the first of the three deliverables of the BORIS WP2 “Analysis of the context and need assessment”. Each project beneficiary presented the national seismic and flood risk assessment that was discussed in several meetings. As a consequence of project activities, the national risk assessment (NRA) from Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Turkey, and Montenegro is summarised in this report. Each section addressing the NRA comprises four subsections describing the analysed risks, seismic risk assessment, flood risk assessment, and multi-risk assessment.
A brief overview of the NRA analysed in this report:
- The last version of NRA of Slovenia was issued in 2020. The NRA addressed 15 risk types, which were mainly assessed by deterministic risk assessment methods.
- The Italian NRA was developed at the end of 2018 by the Department of Civil Protection (DPC) in agreement with EU decision 1313/2013 and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The NRA addresses ten types of risk.
- In Austria, disaster risk assessment and management are the responsibility of each federal state. However, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions, and Tourism of the Republic of Austria takes care of performing detailed (natural) hazard analyses for many years.
- Turkey’s first National Disaster Risk Assessment (NDRA) report was prepared in 2019 for natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, forest fires, landslides, rockfalls, and avalanches. The risk is communicated with the risk matrix, which comprises four risk classes depending on the likelihood of the adverse scenario and the consequence class.
- Montenegro’s NRA is currently under development within the framework of Development of National Risk Assessment for all types of hazards affecting Montenegro (ECHO/SUB/2020/TRACK1/831677) that is sponsored by the European Commission, Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO).
Read the findings in detail in the report.
BORIS project update meeting
As we’re nearing the end of the year and thus the finalization of the first half of the project, we discussed the overall project status with the BORIS team on November 9th, 2021.
It’s great to see all the progress in the project, including the first submitted report (D2.1 Comparison of National Risk Assessment) to the survey for end-user requirements (D3.1) for the platform, more insights on the needed harmonization in the multi-risk framework (D4.3), concrete plans for the possible pilot site (D5.1 and D5.2), plans for future webinars (D6.1) but also further steps in cross-project synergies.
The individual deliverables will be available on the website soon!
Finding synergies with the Trans-Alp EU project
On September 16th, we meet with our dear colleagues from the Trans-Alp Project to share insights, find synergies, and increase the cooperation – not just beyond country borders but also across different EU-funded projects.
Because disasters don’t stop at borders and together, we can work towards a safer Europe!
Check out the Trans Alp website here.
New: BORIS project partners on website
To give a better overview of the organizations involved in the BORIS project, we’ve made them visible on our website. Find information and links to the international project partners on this page. We’ll also present our partners on our LinkedIn page over the course of the following weeks.
First BORIS leaflet is available for download
Disasters don’t stop at borders, yet borders make a thorough risk assessment for increased preparedness and prevention more difficult. To overcome this challenge, the EU-funded project BORIS includes multiple steps to develop a shared methodology and web platform for the management of seismic and flood risks as well as multi-risks in transboundary regions.
To give you a quick overview, we’ve created a leaflet that shows the steps in the project which is now available for download:
15. June 2021: Project Update Meeting
On June 15th, the BORIS project team met for a virtual project update meeting to discuss the progress of all work packages after a brief introduction by the project coordinator.
WP2: Analysis of the context and needs assessment
Good progress has been made on the structure and content of deliverable D2.1. Partners are invited to add their contributions until the end of June so that the report will be finished on time.
WP3: Platform for cross-border risk assessment
Ideas for the system design for the idea platform presented. A schematic overview of the revised architecture can be found on the WP3 page.
WP4: Shared methodology for multi-risk assessment
The scope of the work package is discussed with the conclusion to limit the risks to the immediate risks as described in the project without hazard interactions, compound events, cascading effect etc. It is agreed to host a follow-up meeting to closely entwine the finding from WP2 with the tasks of WP4. This meeting will take place in the first half of July.
WP5: Pilot application in cross-border sites
Work on this work package will start in December 2021 as per plan. What is yet open is to decide which location will be the pilot site, as the region must not be too small. Further discussion and investigation on a suited pilot site are needed before a decision can be taken.
WP6: Dissemination and exploitation of project results
Website launched. Partners are asked for feedback on website as well as draft leaflet. Project progress and results will be published on website and, subsequently, on the BORIS LinkedIn page.
Kick-Off Meeting
On Monday January 25, 2021 at 10:00, the virtual Kick-off meeting of the BORIS project was held on GotoMeeting platform. Representatives of all project participants as well as Technical Project Officers from DG-ECHO, Chrysa Gkountromichou and Ivona Olhova, and Prof. Mauro Dolce from Italian Department of Civil Protection took part in the meeting.