Posts in Category: BORIS2

More BORIS2 Results: Synergies and Integration of Existing Initiatives Within the UCPM

We are happy to share more results from our project: Deliverable D2.3 (Synergies and Integration of Existing Initiatives Within the UCPM) aims to investigate, identify and utilise synergies between the BORIS2 project and existing Union Civil Protection Mechanism initiatives. By considering the results of these initiatives, BORIS2 seeks to improve its methodologies, tools and frameworks for DRM, particularly for cross-border and multi-risk assessments. This report shows how existing projects and networks contribute to BORIS2 activities and promote a coherent approach to disaster resilience and emergency planning across Europe.

The report features a comprehensive review of past and current EU and UCPM-funded projects. This review includes a detailed examination of the objectives, outcomes and methodologies of these projects to identify overlapping objectives and complementary approaches. Understanding these initiatives allows us to identify approaches and outcomes that may be relevant to BORIS2. An important part of this process is the identification of common methods and tools used in these initiatives.

First BORIS2 Results: D2.1 – Comparison of Existing Schemes and Methods For Emergency Management

We are happy to share the first results of the BORIS2 project! You can now access the full version of deliverable D2.1 – Comparison of Existing Schemes and Methods For Emergency Management. This deliverable originates from work package 2 of the project (Context Analysis and Needs Assessment), and provides a comprehensive analysis of existing seismic and flood risk assessment methodologies from an effective disaster risk management (DRM) perspective at the urban level. It also aims to review and evaluate the diverse DRM frameworks, decision making processes, and legal and institutional arrangements adopted by different countries, highlighting areas for potential alignment.

The core of D2.1 is an extensive analysis of DRM practices across Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Turkey, and Montenegro. Each country exhibits unique methodologies tailored to their specific environmental and urban challenges, reflecting diverse approaches to seismic and flood risk management at an urban scale. Each section is divided into sub-sections that cover the hazards, vulnerabilities, exposure levels, damage and impact indicators and tools (platform) for risk assessment related the respective risks. Special attention is given to the role of seismic and flood risk analysis in effective DRM as well as multi-risk assessment methods at urban scale.

Tackling Urban Disaster Risks – Successful Webinar with Experts from Austria and Italy

We were pleased to welcome more than 60 participants to today’s webinar on “Tackling Urban Disaster Risks: Barriers, Data Needs, and Frameworks in a Multi-Hazard Context”, organized by the Disaster Competence Network Austria. The webinar provided inputs from experts from Austria and Italy, and attracted participants from universities, research institutes, civil protection deparments and other organizations involved in cross-border-collaboration from all over Europe and beyond.

As part of the BORIS2 team, Maria Polese and Daria Ottonelli presented the project and the findings of work package 2 – context analysis and needs assessment. Our external speakers, then, provided practical inputs from their everyday work: Tanja Schriebl and Günter Hohenberger from the Office of the State Government of Styria, Austria, talked about the contingency plan for floods for the border (river) Mur and Elena Speranza from the Italian Civil Protection Department presented an overview on emergency planning and Italian civil protection tools.

Curious about the insights presented in the webinar? You can re-watch it here:

Find out more about the speakers of the webinar:

Maria Polese is associate Professor of Structural Engineering at University of Naples Federico II. As member of ReLUIS and CI3R, she is coordinator of BORIS2 and has led the WP3 – Good Practices and Scenarios of the EU Project ROADMAP2. She is also leader of the WP2 “Multi-risk-oriented modeling of urban systems” – of the spoke TS1 “Urban and Metropolitan Settlements” within Extended Partnership RETURN. She is expert in seismic vulnerability, risk/loss estimation methodologies, multi-risk assessment and crisis management policies framework. 

Daria Ottonelli is a researcher in the Department of Risk Assessment and Loss Data at the CIMA Research Foundation. Daria is a Building Engineer and holds a PhD in Structural Engineering from the University of Genoa, where her research focused on assessing seismic performance and evaluating losses in unreinforced masonry buildings. Currently, her research centers on the risk and impact analysis of natural hazards, with a particular emphasis on floods, in both single and multi-risk environments. Her work involves characterizing exposure – including population, buildings, infrastructure, and services – by integrating global datasets with local information to enhance vulnerability assessments.

Tanja Schriebl studied civil engineering and water management at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, and works at the Office of the State Government of Styria, Austria, at the department for water management. Since 2022, she focuses on international water management, runoff analyses and hazard zone planning as well as water law procedures. She is a member of the Permanent Austrian-Slovenian Commission for the Mur river, and the steering committee of the five-country Mur-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve. 

Günter Hohenberger studied at the University of Vienna, and obtained an M.Sc. in risk prevention and disaster management. He works for the Office of the State Government of Styria, at the Department for Civil Protection and Defense where he has been the head of the State Alarm and Warning Center since 2011, which is responsible for all types of crises and disasters in Styria. Before that, he worked in Planning and Response in civil protection. He is a member of the permanent Austrian Crisis Management Commission and also EUCP-trained.

Elena Speranza is an architect of the Italian Civil Protection Department with a specific background on seismic risk, seismic vulnerability and risk prevention issues. She is currently in charge of coordinating a specific unit of the Civil Protection Department for the governance of an extraordinary plan for vulnerability analysis of the Campi Flegrei area, instituted by law (DL 140/2023).

Save the date: webinar “Tackling Urban Disaster Risks: Barriers, Data Needs and Frameworks in a Multi-Hazard Context”

In this webinar, we will delve into disaster risk management (DRM) in the urban context, focusing on the challenges and solutions involved in managing risks across multiple hazards. Drawing insights from the countries in focus in the EU research project BORIS2, we will briefly overview existing data, processes, and institutional frameworks, highlighting both procedural strengths and barriers. We will shed light on the specific needs and requirements necessary to enhance the urban system efficiency in emergencies, drawing from the research project and hands-on experience. Participants will gain valuable insights into how different national frameworks address multi-risk environments and the opportunities for improving DRM strategies in urban contexts.

This session will be of interest to particularly urban planners, policymakers, researchers, and practitioners involved in disaster risk reduction, urban resilience, and emergency management.

Register now and stay tuned for more information!

Italian Experts On Science In Civil Protection & Cross-Border Collaboration

In this interview for BORIS2, Daniela Di Bucci (Italian Civil Protection Department) and Aldo Primiero (Friuli-Venezia Giulia Civil Protection) talk about science in civil protection, collaboration across borders, and what they expect from BORIS2.

Read the interview here.

BORIS2 Leaflet

The BORIS2 leaflet provides a quick overview of the project goals, its partners, activites and outputs. In case you would like to learn more, please visit the project page on the UCPKN platform or the BORIS website.

View or download it here:

BORIS2 has started!

With BORIS2, we continue our efforts to empower stakeholders with a harmonised multi-risk assessment methodology and a tool supporting riskassessment and emergencyplanning in cross-border areas.

In BORIS2, the multi-risk analysis methodology developed in the first project BORIS, that was implemented at municipality scale, will be modified for application at sub-municipal level (e.g. at census tract level) considering relevant multi-risk scenarios. This will enable highlighting urban areas that are most impacted by single and multiple risks for a better emergency planning. Moreover, critical infrastructures and their connections will be included for the evaluation.

Expanding on the concept of Limit Condition for the Emergency and its associated evaluation model proposed by the Italian Civil Protection Department, which is aimed at checking the physical efficiency after a seismic damaging event of the emergency system of urban settlements, a multi-risk approach that could be applied also in cross-border regions will be proposed delivering a comprehensive methodology for institutions operating in different national contexts.

A “scenario-driven” approach will be tested for the assessment of the impacts of seismic, flood or multirisk events on assets and infrastructures relevant for emergency management. Results of BORIS2 will be integrated in the existing BORIS platform, ensuring its interoperability.

The project consortium consists of the following organisations:

  • Italian Center for Research on Risk Reduction CI3R (coordinator)
  • University of Ljubljana
  • Disaster Competence Network Austria
  • University of Montenegro
  • TED Üniversitesi

Also, the following organisations are part of BORIS2 as Associated Partners:

  • Università degli Studi di Udine
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia Civil Protection

The BORIS2 kick-off took place on 7-8 February, 2024 at the University of Naples Federico II (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) with not only the project consortium present but also stakeholders. We were happy to welcome Daniela Di Bucci from the Italian National Civil Protection Department as well as Aldo Primiero from Friuli Venezia Giulia Civil Protection who provided insights into the work and challenges of civil protection in cross-border areas.

We look forward to our next steps in BORIS2!

The project is co-financed under GA n° 101140181 in the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (call UCPM-2023-KAPP-PREV).