Recap: First BORIS workshop in presence
On June 22 and 23, the BORIS consortium met at Vienna for their first in-presence workshop since the start of the project. As the pandemic had made it impossible for the project partners to meet in person previously, it was a pleasure to finally meet everyone without the help of video conferencing.
The meeting took place at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, organized and hosted by the DCNA. The purpose of the workshop was not just to be an extended internal project meeting but also to have external stakeholders on board to communicate project progress too but also to receive feedback and inputs.
The workshop started with an exercise and overview of competencies and skills of internal and external participants, followed by a presentation of project progress, including the BORIS platform for cross-border risk assessment. Joining us from the European Commission was Tiberiu-Eugen Antofie (JRC Disaster Risk Management Unit) who also provided insights into the Risk Data Hub.
In the following interactive session, small groups discussed different aspects of the project, the platform, and future ideas for expanding the risk assessment methodologies and applications.
All presentations and documentation will be available on our website in the near future.
We are very grateful for all the valuable inputs and the great cooperation within the project consortium and look forward to the next workshop in September in Ljubljana.