Discussion of WP4 results
Last week, the BORIS project team met to brief all partners on the results of the following WP4 tasks:
4.1 Shared methodology for seismic risk assessment
In brief, the 2020 European Seismic Hazard Model (ESHM20) was selected for all countries and the Heuristic approach proposed to evaluate vulnerability for cross-border application. The municipality scale was selected as scale of analysis and common typological classes were defined; and finally, a uniform approach for impact assessment was defined.
4.2 Shared methodology for flood risk assessment
The proposed algorithm to interpolate flood hazard maps between two different return periods was presented, and the exposure, vulnerability data, and the human and economic impacts used to evaluate flood risk were shown.
The team also presented the proposal for task 4.3 Shared framework for Multi-risk comparison and ranking, showing issues and highlighting tools.
After an in-depth and fruitful discussion on multi-risk comparison, the next steps were agreed upon and the dates for publishing deliverables D4.1. and D4.2 (corresponding to the above-mentioned tasks) set.
We’re looking forward to sharing these deliverables with you in March!